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[TAC] Auth Captcha - Product specifications

Adds your current CAPTCHA mechanism to the FaceBook/Google/Twitter Registration page
[TAC] Auth Captcha
If you've noticed a sudden trend of bots registering via FaceBook/Google/Twitter, then like me you want to stop it quickly.

The FaceBook/Google/Twitter registration page is often neglected by many spam prevention techniques, making it an easy target for bots.

This free plug-in simply adds your current CAPTCHA mechanism to the FaceBook/Google/Twitter Registration page.

I recommend to use this with [TAC] Custom Image Captcha, but it is your choice to use this with your preferred CAPTCHA mechanism (keyCAPTCHA / are you human / etc).
This should work with any CAPTCHA mechanism, and simply turns on the CAPTCHA mechanism for FaceBook/Google/Twitter Registrations.

Overview Feature list Branding info Releases (1)

I recommend to use this with [TAC] Custom Image Captcha, but it is your choice to use this with your preferred CAPTCHA mechanism (keyCAPTCHA / are you human / etc).
  • This should work with any CAPTCHA mechanism, and simply turns on the CAPTCHA mechanism for FaceBook/Google/Twitter Registrations.

Product Information

XenForo 1
WebMachine Tech.
Release date
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Professional Installation

1 Day

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