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[wmtech] Xf License Validator Pro - Manual, Instructions & Installation / Upgrade Guide

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WMTech Staff
XF Licensee
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Welcome to WMTech Quality Add-Ons!
We care about our products!


We recommend the use of an automated installation and upgrade system.
Two of them are available for free to download at xenforo.com:
Please try one of them!

  1. Download the add-on from our products section after licensing it for your forum(s). Please note, that we are enforcing our license. Please do not download, if you don't agree to it!
  2. Upload everything from the "upload" directory in our software package into your web servers forum directory.
  3. Install "addon-wmt_xfapilicensecheck-1xx.xml" in your Xenforo ACP (ACP > Home > Install Add-On).
  4. Access "ACP > Home > Options > [WMTech] XF License Validator PRO" to check and setup the options of this add-on.
Now you can enjoy our add-on at your board!

Special Installation Instructions (e.g. interactions with other add-ons):
  • None so far.

  1. Download the new version of the add-on from our products section after licensing it for your forum(s). You may need to relicense even free add-ons, if your last version is older than 6 months. Please note, that we are enforcing our license. Please do not download, if you don't agree to it!
  2. Upload everything from the "upload" directory in our software package into your web servers forum directory overwriting all existing files with the new ones!
  3. Go to your Xenforo "ACP > Home > List Add-Ons" and select "[WMTech] XF License Validator PRO". At the dropdown arrow on the right, choose "Upgrade Add-On". A pop-up appears and let you select the XML file "addon-wmt_xfapilicensecheck-1xx.xml" we provide in the upgrade software package.
  4. Access "ACP > Home > Options > [WMTech] XF License Validator PRO" to inspect existing options and setup any new options of this add-on.
This completes an upgrade process and refreshes your board with the enhanced power of a new version.

Special Upgrade Instructions:
  • None so far.


Available Options in ACP:
Home > Options > [WMTech] XF License Validator PRO

  • Usergroup After Validation
    After successfully validating against XenForo's License Validation API the user will be added to this group (secondary).
    Default: "Registered"

  • Verify Domain?
    If checked, a user needs to provide the licensed domain with the token and will only be validated if the license matches the provided token AND domain.
    If not checked, only the token will be asked for and validated. Also you won't see the validated domain in the account's data in your XenForo ACP.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Allow Deletion of Validation?
    If checked, the member will be allowed to delete the validation from his account and will be automatically removed from the validation user group afterwards.
    If not checked, members cannot delete their validation, once successfully validated.
    Default: Checked

  • Store License Data? (Needed To Prevent Duplicates)
    If checked, the license data will be stored and can be used to prevent the usage of duplicate license data by another user as controlled by the next option (below).
    If not checked, no license data will be stored, you cannot check for duplicates and you won't see the licensed domain in the account's data in your XenForo ACP.
    Default: Checked

  • Select Type Of Duplicate Check
    Use this option to select the basis for a denial of another duplicate validation. Only possible, if you have checked 'Store License Data' above
    If you select 'XenForo Customer' any other validation will be denied if the same XenForo customer already has successfully validated a license with another forum account (even if he has several licenses and a different license is used).
    If you select 'XenForo License' any other validation will be denied if the same XenForo license already was used to successfully validate another forum account (even if the customer has created a new validation token for it).
    If you select 'XenForo API Validation Token' another validation will be denied if the same XenForo API validation token already has been used to successfully validate another forum account.
    If you select 'None' no checks for duplicates will be done and any successful validation returned by XenForo API will be accepted.
    Default: None
    • Integrate With Registration Form?
      If checked, the license check will be tightly integrated into the registration form of your forum, so new members are able to validate their license during registration.
      If not checked, the registration form will not be changed.
      Default: Unchecked
    • Deny Registration If Validation Fails?
      If checked, any registration of a new account will fail, if the validation of the XenForo license fails.
      If not checked, the registration will continue even if the check fails and the user will be able to validate his license later using the regular license check page in account settings.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: The validation will not be shown or checked if you allow your members to register using external authentication (eg. Facebook, Google, Twitter or TapaTalk). Please DO NOT activate any external authentication with this setting switched to "on" as any external authentication will succeed even without any license data given.
      Default: Unchecked

Available Permissions in ACP:
This product does not feature any permissions.

Available Phrases and Templates in ACP:
Appearance > Templates
  • All public templates of this add-on start with "wmt_xalc_" The name of the templates is self-explanatory.
Appearance > Template Modifications
  • This add-on uses several template modifications. All template modifications are VERY IMPORTANT for this add-on to be able to work. They are designed for the default style only! If you use any custom style, please check if all modifications have been applied correctly by looking at the numbers in the right column of the line with the modification name. If there is a grey or red number, the modification could not be applied thus making this add-on functionless. Contact us or your style designer to solve those issues!
    PLEASE NOTE: There are some template modifications created for some versions of XenForo only. They are marked clearly with the XenForo version they expect. If you use XenForo 1.4 and a template modification for XF 1.2 shows red or grey numbers, you can disregard it.
Appearance > Phrases
  • All phrases of this add-on start with "wmt_xalc_" The name of the phrases is self explanatory.
Development > Admin Templates (only available in "Debug Mode")
  • All admin templates of this add-on start with "wmt_xalc_" The name of the templates is self-explanatory.
Development > Admin Template Mods (only available in "Debug Mode")
  • This add-on uses several admin template modifications. All admin template modifications are VERY IMPORTANT for this add-on to be able to work. Please do not deactivate them.

Special Usage Informations For Forum Admins:
  • This add-on is a drop-in replacement for any similar add-on to check XenForo licenses you may use now. Just install this add-on and uninstall the other add-on to seamlessly switch add-ons. If you use an add-on which records to a database, the old database entries will not be converted as none of the current available add-ons stores all the data needed by our add-on.
  • If you allow members to register via third party plugins (Facebook, Google, etc), you should NOT use the feature to let new registrations fail if the XenForo license could not be validated. This is because ALL third party registration plugins will bypass this restriction.


This web site lets you validate your XenForo license. Members with validated XenForo licenses may have access to different services.

To validate your license, please visit your account's settings area and go to the page "XenForo License Validation". You can see 2 input fields. One for the official XenForo License Validation Token and another one for the domain your XenForo software is licensed to.

You can get your official XenForo License Validation Token from the XenForo Customer Area. Enter this token and the licensed domain into the fields presented at the page above.

Your license will be checked using the official XenForo license check API and -if validated- you will be allowed access to additional services.

Please note that theXenForo license data entered at our site will be used to validate your XenForo license using XenForo's public API. We do not disclose this data to any third party other than XenForo Ltd.
After successful validation, your XenForo license data will be anonymised and assigned to your user account. You need to unassign it from your account to be able to use it with another user account at this site (even after changing the validation token).

You are able to delete (unassign) a XenForo license from your account at any time. Just visit the "XenForo License Validation" page in your account's settings area again and click at "Delete". After the deletion you may assign your XenForo license to another member account at our site.
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