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[wmtech] Double Post Merge Updated (version 1.2.0)


WMTech Staff
XF Licensee
Reaction score
We are happy to announce a new update to our free [WMTech] Double Post Merge product.

Whereas we had no bugs to fix this time, we added Listener Hints and disabled all template hooks. This improves the performance of the add-on, but disables the compatibility for the ancient XenForo version 1.1.

We also checked all the code for XenForo 1.4 combatibility, which is now officially supported.

A File Health Check was also added.

This is the first version created under WMTech code ownership. As you know we took this add-on over from Syndol (who retired from coding) in December 2014.

This version has been published under our new License Agreement.

Please find installation and upgrade instructions here:
[wmtech] Double Post Merge - Installation & Upgrade Instructions