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[WMTech] Content Downloader - Product specifications

Download entire forum content sets into a standalone HTML file
[WMTech] Content Downloader
This product allows you to provide your users downloadable files for content at your forum. The entire content of threads, conversations and all posts of a member can be simply downloaded into a standalone file and stored locally to be read or consulted later.

You can choose between a PDF or an HTML file for the download. In case of PDF you also can choose the paper size and orientation with the options provided after installing the product.

Overview Feature list Branding info Releases (4) Discussion

Download entire thread, conversation or members posts content sets into a standalone HTMLor PDF file.

Can download:
  • Thread's entire content
  • Conversation's entire content
  • Member's entire (public) posting content
Useful premium feature for user upgrades.
  • Some users like to binge-read high-value threads
  • Some users also like to read through all the content from popular posters
  • It's easier to do this with a single file, rather than fetching pages through the forum one-at-a-time
  • Offers distraction-free reading
  • Allows offline reading
Includes permissions, so you can set who can download threads, conversations or user content, and also who can have their posting content downloaded.

Product Information

XenForo 2
WebMachine Tech.
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

3 Months
Renewal cost
6 Months
Renewal cost

Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day

Multiple Domain License


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