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[TAC] Stop Country Spam - Releases

Blocks countries you specify from accessing your forum
[TAC] Stop Country Spam
Stop Country Spam blocks countries you specify from accessing your forum. Spammers come disproportionately from certain countries. If your forum is local, blocking the countries where you are frequently receiving spammers from can help keep spam away.

Alternatively, you could use it to enforce a “local users only” membership policy.

When a user visits your forum from a certain country, if you have selected to black list that country, or if you have selected white listing and not selected that country as part of the white list, they will be taken to the "New registrations currently not being accepted" page (or a custom page). This prevents users from that country from registering, which can help reduce the amount of user spam.

Overview Feature list Branding info Releases (2)

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XenForo 1
WebMachine Tech.
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3 Months
Renewal cost
6 Months
Renewal cost

Branding Free


Multiple Domain License


Professional Installation

1 Day

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