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[wmtech] Social Share Privacy - Installation, Upgrade & Usage Instructions

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WMTech Staff
XF Licensee
Reaction score
Welcome to WMTech Quality Add-Ons!
We care about our products!


We recommend the use of an automated installation and upgrade system.
Two of them are available for free to download at xenforo.com:
Please try one of them!

*** Note: If you use the product created by Waindigo, please enter the following line to your XenForo configuration file (/library/config.php ) to prevent any callbacks to Waindigo this add-on otherwise starts itself regularly:

$config['disableCallbacks'] = true

  1. Download the add-on from our products section after licensing it for your forum(s). Please note, that we are enforcing our license. Please do not download, if you don't agree to it!
  2. Upload everything from the "upload" directory in our software package into your web servers forum directory.
  3. Install "addon-wmt_socialshareprivacy-1xx.xml" in your Xenforo Admin Control Panel (XF ACP) (ACP > Home > Install Add-On).
  4. Access "ACP > Home > Options > [WMTech] Social Share Privacy" to check and setup the options of this add-on.
Now you can enjoy our add-on at your board!

Special Installation Instructions (e.g. interactions with other add-ons):
  • This add-on can be installed together with any other social share button add-ons at the same time. However, just one of all the installed add-ons will render the buttons. If you have installed several social share button add-ons, you cannot be sure this add-on will in fact be active at your forum.

  1. Download the new version from the add-on from our products section after licensing it for your forum(s). You may need to relicense even free add-ons, if your last version is older than 6 months. Please note, that we are enforcing our license. Please do not download, if you don't agree to it!
  2. Upload everything from the "upload" directory in our software package into your web servers forum directory overwriting all existing files with the new ones!
  3. Go to your Xenforo "ACP > Home > List Add-Ons" and select "[WMTech] Social Share Privacy". At the dropdown arrow on the right, choose "Upgrade Add-On". A pop-up appears and let you select the XML file "addon-wmt_socialshareprivacy-1xx.xml" we provide in the upgrade software package.
  4. Access "ACP > Home > Options > [WMTech] Social Share Privacy" to check existing options and setup any new options of this add-on.
This completes an upgrade process and refreshes your board with the enhanced power of a new version.

Special Upgrade Instructions:
  • Upgrade to version 1.1.0 from any other version:
    All files in styles/wmtech/socialshareprivacy are no longer needed and can be deleted.


Available Options in ACP:
Home > Options > [WMTech] Social Share Privacy
  • Style For Share Buttons
    Choose which style you like for the buttons. There are 3 styles included with this add-on. "Standard" are the default colors of the sharing services. "White" and "Grey" could be chosen optionally rendering the buttons in white or grey colors.
    Default: Standard Colors

  • Exclude Nodes
    Choose all nodes (multiple selections allowed) you do not want to display any share buttons at all.
    Default: Unspecified

  • Disable Font Awesome Call?
    Please check this box if you already have "Font Awesome" installed at your forum to avoid reloading it for this add-on.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Disable Counts?
    This add-on features a proxy which queries and retrieves the sharing counts from all sharing networks providing a locally cached count to be displayed with the share buttons at your site. If you check this box, the proxy and all counts will be disabled and just the share buttons without counts will be displayed.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Counts Cache TTL (sec)
    If you enable the counts for the share buttons, choose how often we should update them. The counters are cached locally.
    Default: 3600 (1 hour), Min: 30, Max: 86400 (1 day)

  • BETA: Enable Memcached Cache Handling
    Enables the cache storage of all share counters in Memcached, if you have set up the Memcached backend cache in XenForo's config.php. Will fetch the Memcached settings automatically from your config.php. Does not work and fall back to the default filesystem cache, if Memcached cache has not been configured correctly in XenForo!
    This is a beta feature. Deactivate it, if any errors are shown in your XenForo Server Error Log.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enabled Locations
    Xenforo and many add-ons provide live share buttons at some locations by default. Please select and check the boxes at which locations the Social Share Privacy add-on should be used to render those sharing buttons. At all locations not selected or not offered the Xenforo or the add-ons default live sharing features will be used, except if you also have checked "Disable Default Buttons?".
    Important Note: Please do not enable the custom location, if you do not use it.
    Default: Threads & Pages, Sidebar

  • Disable Default Buttons?
    By default, the original XenForo share buttons will be displayed if you do not select the specific location above to be handled by this add-on. If you check this box, the default share buttons will not be shown if the location is not selected above. This makes it e.g. possible to deactivate the default share buttons at the bottom of threads completely and only display share buttons at the top of threads.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Horizontal Placement in Sidebar?
    By default, all buttons are placed vertically in the sidebar. If you check this box, the buttons are placed side by side horizontally in the sidebar. This gives you more space for other sidebar widgets. Looks good if you have only a few buttons enabled. With more than 3 buttons enabled, the counts will be disabled automatically.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable Facebook Button
    If checked, a Facebook 'Like' or 'Recommend' button will be displayed, allowing Facebook users to 'Like' the page and in doing so, share it with their Facebook friends.
    Please Note: This setting respects and works with your "Facebook Integration" options in XenForo.
    Be sure to set your Facebook Application ID and Application Secret to get more precise counts for the Facebook share button.
    Default: Checked

  • Enable Tweet Button
    Enabling the Tweet button will allow your visitors to share pages easily using their Twitter account. This respects and works with your "Twitter Integration" options in XenForo.
    Default: Checked

  • Enable Google +1 Button
    Google's +1 button feature allows your visitors to recommend pages from your XenForo installation to others. This respects and works with your "Google Integration" options in XenForo.
    Default: Checked

  • Enable LinkedIn Button
    LinkedIn button allows your visitors to recommend content from your XenForo installation to others via LinkedIn.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable Pinterest Button
    Pinterest button allows your visitors to recommend content from your XenForo installation to others via Pinterest.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable Xing Button
    Xing button allows your visitors to recommend content from your XenForo installation to others via Xing (a german language professional business network).
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable Reddit Button
    Reddit button allows your visitors to recommend content from your XenForo installation to others via reddit.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable WhatsApp Button
    WhatsApp button allows your visitors to recommend content from your XenForo installation to others via WhatsApp.
    Please Note: This button will only be shown to visitors viewing with mobiles/smartphones.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable Mail Button
    Mail button allows your visitors to recommend content from your XenForo installation to others via regular e-mail message. You can customize the subject and the body of this message with the "wmt_socshapri_mail_subject" and "wmt_socshapri_mail_body" phrases.
    Default: Unchecked

  • Enable Info Button
    The Info button is a small button with a link to the Information page, you may specify below.
    Please Note: This button will only be shown if you have set up an URL to the information page below. This is not a regular share button!
    Default: Unchecked

  • Link to Information Page
    The URL of a page with general information about social share privacy. Feel free to create your own page at your web site and provide the information for your visitors.
    Default: Google Translate

Available Permissions in ACP:

  • None

Available Phrases and Templates in ACP:

Appearance > Templates
Development > Admin Templates
  • All public and admin templates of this add-on start with "wmt_socshapri_" The name of the templates is always self-explanatory.
Appearance > Template Modifications
Development > Admin Template Mods
  • This add-on uses several template modifications instead of deprecated template hooks for the front and back end (ACP) of XenForo. All template modifications are VERY IMPORTANT for this add-on to be able to work. They are designed for the default style only! If you use any custom style, please check if all modifications have been applied correctly by looking at the numbers in the right column of the line with the modification name. If there is a grey or red number, the modification could not be applied thus deactivating some or even all features of this add-on. Contact us or your style designer to solve those issues!
Appearance > Phrases
  • All phrases of this add-on start with "wmt_socshapri_" The name of the phrases is always self-explanatory.

How to use the "Custom Location"?

  • With our add-on you are able to display the social share buttons at any location of your XenForo web site. Just activate the option of "Custom Location" in your ACP and place the following code in any XenForo template you like and the buttons will be shown there.
    {xen:helper wmtInsertShareButtons, 'h'}
    If you are not satisfied with the placement, just delete this code again and place it elsewhere.

    Options: The default code places the buttons horizontaly. If you like a vertical placement just replace the tiny "h" with a "v".

Available Actions in XenForo Public Forum Web Site:
  • This add-on presents social share buttons at several locations of your web site. Those button are not live connected with the social networks they link to, so your users will not be tracked by them. Only if someone clicks at a button, the share feature of the social network will be initiated and the visitor is able to link your content to the social network.

    This add-on features a caching mechanism which fetches the share counts of your web site from the social network automatically in the specified interval to be displayed with the buttons.

(feel free to copy this text to your forums help page)

Feel free to use the Share buttons displayed at several locations throughout our web site to link any content to your favorite social network!

We care about your privacy and security. This is why the share buttons on our web site are not transferring any data to the social networks just by displaying them. You cannot be tracked by the social network while browsing at your web site.
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